Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Back in the Day

This photo resonates with me because Clove Lakes park is somewhere that I go often with my friends and family. When I was younger, my parents used to bring me to the playground and my grandparents took me to the pond to look for turtles.

The photo resonates with me because my best friend and I used to ride our bikes in Snug Harbor. I also used to take music lessons at the Snug Harbor Music Conservatory, and my fifth grade graduation took place in one of their buildings. I will always consider Snug Harbor to be one of the most beautiful and historic parts of Staten Island.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Light Box

I chose a red background because it allowed the white cap and blue label of the bottle to stand out without clashing.

I chose a white background because the butterfly is a dark color, so it would blend in with any dark background.

I chose a blue background because the contrast of dark with light made the gold look brighter and shinier.

I chose a black background because it allowed the red strap and white pass to stand out and created very clean lines.

I chose a white background because the trophy was so bright and reflective that it may have looked too bright on an other dark colored background.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Zoom Lens

      One factor you need to consider when using a zoom lens is standing far enough away. In order for the lens to be able to focus, you must be standing far enough away from your subject. Another factor you need to consider is how to manually focus your lens. In my first photo, I was not effective at doing so, and had a compromised photo quality, however in my second photo, I was able to focus the lens efficiently, which resulted in the zoom lens giving me a high-quality photo.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Macro Lens

      One factor you need to consider when using a macro lens is if it's necessary for you're subject to be magnified and if you're willing to compromise some of your photo quality for this. The macro lens causes the photo to be more unfocused, and this can be amplified because it's such a close-up photo. Another factor you need to consider when using a macro lens is how you are able to focus the lens. It's extremely important to not have a shaky hand and you will have to adjust how zoomed in you are in order to get a focused photo.
